We're always looking for old mixtapes. We don't care if they were made by a big-name dj or not. In fact, it'd be nice to hear what kids were doing in their bedroom studios back in the 90s. We're also interested in dj equipment modifications if you've come up with something tight.

hit us at sheldiack at gmail dot com

Sunday, September 17, 2006

dj shel - 01/98

Part III in the DJ Shel archives. This mix is from January
1998. More Detroit-esque stuff, mostly on the mellow side.

The photo above was taken at "the church" in Menomonie,
Wis. In retrospect, that was a pretty tight venue- an
old church turned into an apartment. I heard that it was
converted back to a church years later. Oh well. Shel, was
that a 19" MTX mixer (yours, as seen in the picture above)?
Wow, what an antique.



Anonymous simon said...

Is that Noah in the background in a Boneyard shirt?

12:08 AM  

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