We're always looking for old mixtapes. We don't care if they were made by a big-name dj or not. In fact, it'd be nice to hear what kids were doing in their bedroom studios back in the 90s. We're also interested in dj equipment modifications if you've come up with something tight.

hit us at sheldiack at gmail dot com

Monday, September 04, 2006

dj shel - 01/00

Who likes that Detroit techno shit? I sure do. And I'm
happy to say that Sheldon has always rocked the shit
right, especially back during the music's heyday. When
we weren't driving 8 hours to see Jeff Mills, Shel was
putting a tape together. I'm going to encode some of
those old tapes, but for now, here's a mix of his from
January 2000.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe fileden.com

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me know if you switch it up, yousendit is being lame with me...


12:03 AM  
Blogger Sheldiack said...

hmmm, fileden.com has a problem: "Our registered users are given a generous 500mb personally allocated online storage area along with a large 50mb maximum file size." 50 mb is often too small to fit a single side of a mixtape. thanks for the tip though. btw, who's dezzereter?

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okok...try streamload.com

I think that might work....

11:25 AM  
Blogger Sheldiack said...

dah, i'm too cheap to pay for this shit. streamload is mediamax now, and their free service has this cruddy restriction: send files up to 25 MB in size. maybe one day i'll just have to get legit hosting.

4:21 PM  

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